Friday, July 7, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ghost White

Ghost White and the Seven Dwarfs

  Once upon a time, there was a girl white as ghosts. When she was born, everyone stood in shock for a whole hour, staring at her pale complexion. The Queen (may she rest in peace)soon died after giving birth to Ghost White. Soon, the King (may he live forever) married a new lady. 
  The new lady was called The Evil Queen for her deeds. It was rumored that she killed hundreds on a whim, with the catchy phrase "Off with its head!" (it is possible that she was inspired by The Red Queen of Wonderland). Soon, everyone was afraid of her, and tried not to meet her for fear she would behead them. 
  Ghost White, however, was the polar opposite of The Evil Queen. She was known to be caring and kind, helping out whenever possible. At times, she could be seen merrily chatting with the servants or helping out in chores (other than spinning. That was forbidden since Sleeping Beauty...).
  One day, when Ghost was out in the woods, generally playing around, when The Evil Queen took out her most secret artifact - The Mirror. I had went to great lengths to investigate why it is called The Mirror, for it looked nothing like a mirror. Sure, its oval shape makes it look a little bit like a mirror, but that was where the similarities ended. The Mirror did not reflect anything at all. It was dull, matted grey, and was commonly mistaken for scrap metal, although it did not shine.
  The Evil Queen told The Mirror, "Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the Fairest of them all?" To this, words started appearing on The Mirror: "Human Human on the ground, it is Ghost White that I found." The Evil Queen immediately thought of killing Ghost White, but then wondered, "If I kill Ghost, the I will be unfair to her! what can I do?"
  In the end, she had to making do with throwing Ghost down a rabbit hole. "If she is not on this world," The Evil Queen reasoned, "Then I would be the fairest of them all." So she went to call for the Huntsman to push Ghost White down the rabbit hole, which the Huntsman did happily. He never liked Ghost White.
  From that day onward, The Evil Queen contented herself by thinking she had been fair to spare Ghost's life, and was the fairest of them all in the world. As for Ghost White, she grew up to be The White Queen of Wonderland, but that is another story for another time.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Jack and Jill

Once Upon A Time,
  There was a pair of twins named Jack and Jill. When they were young, an oracle spake a prophesy:
"Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling down"
  So when their mother told them to get some water from the well at the top of the hill, they were very scared. However, Jill came up with a plan. I know! We can stop you tumbling down the hill if we dig through the hill into the well! why is that well on that hill anyway?
  They started the hard work digging into hill. when they finally reached the well, Jack excitedly dug into the stonewall, and thus fell into the well. He broke his crown, so the first part of the prophesy was complete.
  Making sure not to tumble down, Jill looked down the well. the water still seemed very far away.
"I know! I just have to dig deeper!" She then walked back to the entrance of the tunnel they just dug, and started digging deeper. This time, when she reached the stone wall, she made sure she would not fall in either. 
  However, she dug too deep. the water came rushing out pushing her and Jack (he was still inside) out of the tunnel. In this way, the prophecy was complete.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Clockwork Mouse

A clockwork mouse was wound.
He fell down into the mound.
Everybody from all around
Came to view the mouse they found.
Soon the mouse was bound,
And made into a crown.

The Princess and the Frog

Once a pond a time, at a pond not so far away, in a castle, there was a pond. The princesses who lived in the castle loved to visit that pond and view their own relflection (no, mirrors weren't invented yet). However, not all the princesses were that vain. One of them, who goes by the name of Vera, instead enjoyed looking at the animals living in the pond. By the age of 16, she named them all (That's how all those boring latin names came about). On her 17th birthday, she saw a strange sight, there was a frog with a crown on its head. As she approached it, it asked in a voice so charming, “My lady, a witch had cursed me to become a frog, please kiss me... I will turn back into an prince.” Thinking of her sister, who wanted to marry, she kissed the frog, and BAM! Just like that he turned into a prince. But alas, Vera turned into a frog. The prince married Vera’s sister and lived happily every after. That was until Vera kissed him again, the Prince was thrown out of the castle and unfortunately got eaten by a fish. The end :)

Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time,
  There lived a lonely giant. He was rich, had everything anyone could ever want; a castle in the clouds, gardens with amazing plants, a golden harp that sings by itself, a golden goose that lays golden eggs, and even a bag always full of gold!
  However, as mentioned before, he was lonely. He pondered, then remembered tales of brave humans who lived beneath the clouds. He thought, "They would tell me stories and keep me happy!"
  So he sent down from the clouds magic beans from his garden. These magic beans grew so tall that they could be used to reach the clouds.
  Down below, a boy named Jack found it on the road and brought it home. He planted them, then climbed up to the giant's castle.
  Now, Jack was a greedy boy. When he saw the giant's vast riches, he quickly took as much as he could home.
  The giant was very angry, and jumped down to earth, killing everyone in sight, screaming, "Where is Jack, that thief?"
  All the terrified humans replied "I dont know Jack", hence the phrase that later meant I dont know anything. He is still out there, searching for Jack, and if that is your name, be carefull.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Cinderella: The Ugly Start

  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. She was ugly and thus, no one liked her. One day, news came that the prince was going to host a ball. However, Cinderella was too ashamed of her looks to go to the ball, and thus locked herself in her room and cried while her sister and mother went to the ball. Suddenly, her Faerie Godmother appeared. She teleported her just outside of her house. She created a beautiful boat by enlarging a banana from her house and carving out the interior. This was later known as the ‘banana boat’ (People later tried replicating it, but all attempts failed) She turned two seahorses into horses of the sea. Finally, she turned a fish into a coachman. (P.S. This was a river city, like venice. Also, the journey was lengthened because she bought cookies on the way. Cookies were not allowed in the ball, thus she had to eat them all) After eating the cookiesx she found out that her faerie godmother had changed her appearance. As she left for the ball, her faerie godmother told Cinderella to leave as the clock strikes 12, or the prince would know how she really looked like. At the ball, the prince spotted her and was charmed by her looks. He requested that she dance with him, in which she agreed. They danced and danced and soon the clock striked 12. Upon hearing the bell, she ran off, without even a proper goodbye, leaving nothing of her trace but a single glass slipper. She hurriedly swam back to her house. The next day, the prince, determined to find his first love, set out to find the person whom he had dance with the previous night. He eventually reached Cinderella’s house. She recognised him, but as she knew that she had changed back to her original looks, the prince wouldn't know she was her. She hence locked herself in her room and cried. The prince fitted the glass slipper onto her sister’s. It was a perfect match! He brought her back to his palace and started the preparations for the wedding, leaving our dear Cinderella behind. However, as the wedding day drew nearer, he started to notice something was amiss...
(To be continued)