Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Princess and the Frog

Once a pond a time, at a pond not so far away, in a castle, there was a pond. The princesses who lived in the castle loved to visit that pond and view their own relflection (no, mirrors weren't invented yet). However, not all the princesses were that vain. One of them, who goes by the name of Vera, instead enjoyed looking at the animals living in the pond. By the age of 16, she named them all (That's how all those boring latin names came about). On her 17th birthday, she saw a strange sight, there was a frog with a crown on its head. As she approached it, it asked in a voice so charming, “My lady, a witch had cursed me to become a frog, please kiss me... I will turn back into an prince.” Thinking of her sister, who wanted to marry, she kissed the frog, and BAM! Just like that he turned into a prince. But alas, Vera turned into a frog. The prince married Vera’s sister and lived happily every after. That was until Vera kissed him again, the Prince was thrown out of the castle and unfortunately got eaten by a fish. The end :)

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