Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time,
  There lived a lonely giant. He was rich, had everything anyone could ever want; a castle in the clouds, gardens with amazing plants, a golden harp that sings by itself, a golden goose that lays golden eggs, and even a bag always full of gold!
  However, as mentioned before, he was lonely. He pondered, then remembered tales of brave humans who lived beneath the clouds. He thought, "They would tell me stories and keep me happy!"
  So he sent down from the clouds magic beans from his garden. These magic beans grew so tall that they could be used to reach the clouds.
  Down below, a boy named Jack found it on the road and brought it home. He planted them, then climbed up to the giant's castle.
  Now, Jack was a greedy boy. When he saw the giant's vast riches, he quickly took as much as he could home.
  The giant was very angry, and jumped down to earth, killing everyone in sight, screaming, "Where is Jack, that thief?"
  All the terrified humans replied "I dont know Jack", hence the phrase that later meant I dont know anything. He is still out there, searching for Jack, and if that is your name, be carefull.

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